Friday 23 January 2015


Most, when embarking on their gap year, will start a blog as they begin. I, however, am four months into my voluntary placement and have only just put pen to paper. Or finger to keyboard - but that just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

For months I have wanted to be writing, but each time I booted up my computer, out would come the excuses. I'm not going to bother listing them as you will have undoubtedly heard them all before; likely they’re the same ones that keep you from writing that blog you always wanted to - or starting up that YouTube channel (both of which are things that I have done previously and failed miserably at). But I digress.

I have always been a fan of documenting. From scrapbooks to Facebook, diaries to twitter, photo albums to Instagram, my room and my mobile are fit to burst with elements of my life I have felt the need to place somewhere. I love being able to peek into the past by flicking through the pages or taking a glance at my timehop for that day. And I'm greedy. As obvious from above, I can’t settle on one method of documentation. How could I, when all these different outlets are available to me? And I love them all, each fulfilling something slightly different from the last. 

I wanted to create a place where I could write. A place for thoughts longer than 140 characters, for photographs that deserve more than a caption of two sentences, and for stories I wish to share. A place, essentially, where I could prove to my non-Instagram using grandparents that I am indeed eating properly even though I no longer live at home.

This is for my gap year and it is for beyond that; it’s for whatever I intend it to become.