Saturday 20 June 2015

A Thursday in June

When it comes to taking time off, I'm renowned for being useless; I have this strange notion that the world will collapse around me if I'm not busy. Last summer, post nationals, I gave myself a total of three days between returning home and leaving for Norfolk. This month, being a little kinder to myself, I have ten days between completing my placement and going to America. My mum was adamant that I spend at least some of this time being kind to myself and relaxing. This post is for her. What follows is an account of my first day at home after nine months of volunteering away. Long walks, long baths, long naps - indulgent, yes, but needed.

Thursday 11th June, 2015

08:05 Door opens, it’s the brother letting the dog into my room as he and mum head off to school. Vaguely aware of what’s happening, doze off again joined by furry friend asleep at my feet.

08:31 Awake, blurry-eyed. Run into dad heading off to work as I go in search for coffee. To my delight there is some still hot in the pot. Assemble breakfast from all the goodies in the cupboard, rather glad that I don't have to think about budgeting for next weeks food shop, not for a while anyway. Breakfast = Greek yoghurt with honey, a handful of frozen berries, 50% fruit muesli, a linseed/flaxseed/almond/Brazil nut mix and a squeeze of golden syrup.

08:45 Back to bed. Book, dog, coffee. Feeling happy.

09:25 Slowly extract self from bed, taking care to not disturb adorable sleeping dog. Get ready today’s Yoga with Adrienne. As I pull on my leggings, I am reminded that none of them currently fit, and that baggy knees are not a particularly attractive look. Luckily I'm in the comfort of my own home and not flaunting my horrific leggings in public.

09:53 Finish yoga. Only having to pause once in order to extract a mischievous cat from mat.

09:56 Boil kettle. Make tea. Run bath. As it was recently mum’s birthday, there is a bounty of wonderful smellies to choose from. I'm in Soap & Glory heaven. Tried to locate matches/lighter in order to light candle and achieve full blogger-aesthetic but with no luck.

11:10 Climb out of bath.

11:41 Gather things to walk dog. Ensure that phone is well-stocked on the podcast front. Catch up with Reginald D Hunter on Saturday Live, sublime.

12:18 Realise, halfway through walk, that despite remembering perfume this morning I somehow forgot deodorant. I do wonder how my brain works.

12:59 Arrive at Instow. Dump dog with dad as I run to the shop to buy much-needed deodorant.

12:08 Rejoin dad and dog for a coffee. Am given a copy of Sailing Today featuring an article on the Norfolk Broads. Though beautiful, I'm happy to be back in my waters.

13:48 Leave Instow. Plug into my second episode of Saturday Live, wonder if I’ll ever listen to the programme as intended. Rather absurdly, if you think about it, this concept seems alien to me.

14:25 Realise state of hunger. Fervently try to ignore as I march on for the last half hour until home.

15:41 Lunch at last. A bowlful of wonder reaped from raiding the cupboards and freezer. Brown rice, lightly fried with some onion and garlic, served with broccoli and spinach, doused in soy sauce.

15:54 Brother appears.

18:26 Arise, drowsy, from nap. Not quite sure when I fell asleep. Family have all arrived home and have been getting on with life around me. Nothing’s changed.

18:37 Intend to have light snack of fruit; brother scuppers this plan by placing leftover pizza in front of me. What's a girl to do?

19:17 Give up any pretension I had about cooking dinner. Run bath instead. I have so missed having a bath.

19:53 Clamber out of second bath of the day. Hear the rain pattering against the window, it appears that the world has given up on today too. Grab bagel and grapes from the kitchen. Join parents in the sitting room for the evening.

23:08 Not quite sure where time has gone or what I’ve done in the past three hours, I climb into bed. Attempt to read for a brief amount of time before falling asleep with book on face. It’s good to be home.

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